Mnemonic Device Maker

We all have faced the problem of forgetting something at the right moment. We keep remembering a thing but we have to pass through a hard time recalling the information. For example, one such word is “lose.” Most of the time students get confused if it is a single O or double O. This is because when we pronounce the word, it sounds like “loo.” However, loose is a word with a completely different meaning than lose. 

Now the question is, how can you overcome this situation? You can picturise that the two Os in loose demonstrate two rubber bands and can think like those two are linked loosely together. This way you can create a visual for the two Os and can relate to them with meaning. This is a great example of an image mnemonic. In order to help you learn and remember things, there are a lot of techniques that can be extremely helpful with a mnemonic device maker around. 


The method of using the method of mnemonic is not new, evidence says that the method is in practice for over 2000 years, it has been experimentally studied within the last 40 years. The ancient Loci system involves memorizing and visualizing images in a familiar location, let’s say your house, office, or somewhere where you spend most of your time to release the stress. Thinking about something familiar makes you feel more comfortable and you can turn each part of that place into pieces of information. Then you can utilise the same by assigning words or concepts to remember things. 

In order to create a sense of order and to memorize spatial relationships, this was figured out as an encouraging method. This is the specialist of this method that makes it easier to remember specific information. This blog will be highlighting the mnemonic device maker and the type of devices that can be used. Here are the types of mnemonic devices that can be used. 

Imagery Mnemonics

The fact is true that we humans are visual creatures and it turns out to be easy for us to remember an image than it is to remember words. Even our research has confirmed that our memories are activated the moment we see images than by hearing words. That’s the reason why a brand is resembled by its logo. It’s the imaginary mnemonics that help us recall a brand by its logo. 

This mnemonic device maker technique is often used when the items are related to each other. One can easily recall information by visualizing a specific picture that he/she previously associated with. Remember the time when you see an old photo and that very moment you go deep into thoughts and recall the memories associated with it. The more ridiculous the image is, the easier it gets for you to recall it. 

Mnemonic Techniques To Improve Memory

Acronyms and Acrostics –

Remember the word “ROYGBIV” used to list different colours of the rainbow. This is among the easiest and most popular examples of a mnemonic device. Speaking of an acronym, it is an abbreviation that can be kept together using the first letters of other words and thereby eventually pronounce it as one word. 

An acrostic is a memorization tool that extracts the first letters of each item and create a memorable sentence for the item you want to remember. For example, if you’re trying to remember how to spell “teacher,” you can make up a few words like thoughtful, energetic, amazing, caring, helpful, encouraging, and responsible. 


To memorize information, rhyming is another common mnemonic device maker technique. Through acoustic encoding you can easily recall the stored information, these are learned through your auditory senses. That’s the reason why songs are easy to remember than textbook content. 

Chunking and Organizing

As the name suggests, this technique breaks the information into smaller parts that make it easier to remember. At once our brain can hold up to seven pieces of information, this is why using chunking mnemonics can help simplify complex details. 


Model representation is another great form of a mnemonic. It uses graphs, flowcharts, diagrams, or some other form of diagrammatic representation. Visuals are vital to helping you learn and remember a concept. 

Before getting into the blog, you weren’t realised that you were using certain mnemonic techniques in your everyday life, now you do. You can take the help of a mnemonic device or can use a mnemonic device maker to improve your memory. Never complex your learning, keep it simple, keep it real. Always try to relate with something more familiar, this will give you additional benefits. 


Ep. 67: The 8 Planets of the Solar System


Loci Memory Training